Spring Cleaning

Friday, April 12, 2013

This week we've been taking advantage of the wonderful weather and are doing a little spring cleaning. We threw the windows up, cranked up the Violent Femmes and have been washing windows, beating rugs, and fitting in a hundred other little tasks that we've been meaning to get to all winter but haven't had the energy to do. I think I understand now why people save their deep cleaning until the spring -- with everything so sunny and so beautiful outside, you feel inspired to make the inside of your house shine, too. It almost doesn't feel like work (almost).

Some of the things we've accomplished over the past seven days: finally organizing our pantry (which was a jumbled up mess), giving a few pieces of old furniture some much-needed TLC, cleaning and disinfecting hordes of A.'s toys, and rearranging the garage to fit all of James's hunting gear, Anouk's outdoor stuff, and my gardening tools and still have room to walk. I would pick the garage as our proudest achievement so far -- in fact, I find myself going and standing in the doorway several times a day just to admire our handiwork. This weekend, we're tackling the yard. And James and I are currently drawing up plans for a potting bench we'd like to build for the backyard -- neither of us are woodworkers, though. So we'll see how it goes.

While I was scouring the internet for a natural tub spray I'd seen but forgotten to pin, I came across this post at Playful Learning about encouraging toddlers to clean up after themselves and was so inspired by it that I decided to try to involve Anne as much as possible in our deep clean from there on out. I've started breaking down each big task whenever I can into at least one small kid-sized project -- A. wipes the bottom windows, I do the top; she holds the dustpan while I sweep, etc. When we can, we make cleaning into a game, and we're sure to take frequent breaks to reward ourselves for a job well done and to admire our efforts.  And after reading this article, I've also made an effort to start assigning A. small daily chores -- helping to fill the cat bowls and to put away her clean clothes in her dresser. We're still working on the latter, because handing her a pile of clothes usually means she has to stop and try them all on, right there, right now, but she's doing pretty well on the former. In my opinion, there is basically nothing cuter than watching Anouk toddle across the kitchen  with a cup of cat kibble and place it, piece by tiny piece, in the food bowl. So determined, so careful, so thoughtful about it!

Are you spring cleaning this year? If so, here are a links to help you out:

How do you encourage your kids to help out around the house?

Wishing you a very well-organized weekend! 


  1. I love that you involved her! Good for you.

    And your garage!? I find my self wanting a picture. I bet it's awesome. You go girl!

    1. I really did try to take a pick but because our garage is long and narrow, there's no good way to get a really good shot. You'll just have to take my word for it when I tell you how awesome it is. :)

  2. We did our spring cleaning while the kids spent a week with their grandparents. I can't believe how exciting it was to clean and have a space stay clean for more than an hour or two, lol. Everyone at my house does chores, the 3 y/o is in charge of giving the dog food and water and refilling the bird feeder (with help). And she loves "washing" windows and sweeping with her little broom. Can't wait to see your potting bench! We built a raised bed while cleaning out the garden this weekend and now I feel like I can do anything. An outdoor coffee table is next on the agenda.


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