Norfolk Police and Fire-Rescue Museum

Friday, August 2, 2013

A. and I have passed the Norfolk Police and Fire-Rescue Museum on Freemason Street probably a hundred times while on our way to other places. I've been reminding myself for almost a year to make a trip there, but it wasn't until last week that we finally stopped in with our playgroup -- three moms and a gaggle of eager two-year-olds.

The museum -- which is actually two museums in one building -- houses artifacts that represent the police and fire departments' long and storied histories -- helmets, badges, boots, insignia, etc. We had fun peering in the cases and at the old photographs, but I think the big highlight of the trip was the old police radio and flashing siren perched on the front desk. The kids took turns playing with it for the better part of an hour (with varying degrees of cooperation).

For me, it was a special moment to see my great-uncle (whom I never met) listed in the register of fallen firefighters, a little bit of a personal connection to all that history. It was also really eerie to be able to run our hands over the piece of the World Trade Center that stands by the door.

The Norfolk Police and Fire Rescue Museum is open Wednesday-Saturday from 10-4 PM, and Sunday from 12-4 PM and admission is FREE. And they give you your own badge, what more could you ask for?

Have a great weekend, everybody!


  1. How adorable is A in that helmet? Seriously. Love it!

  2. Looks like everyone had a great time! I'm betting my Lucy would like it if there's a siren involved :)

  3. I stumbled across your blog last night and I just wanted to let you know that I love it!

    You post such wonderful photos and I love the idea behind your blog of sharing all the fun things to do around the Hampton Roads area.

    I also just moved back and am excited about discovering new things to do, as well as remembering some of my favorite places. You've already added to my ever-growing list of places to visit! :)

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words! There are so many wonderful things to do in the HRVA area, I'm excited for you to discover and revisit them. :) Let us know if you come across any that aren't featured here so we can add them.


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