After Hours at Ocean View Beach Park

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The last two weeks have been hectic ones for our family. J.'s been traveling for work, I got sick, we've been unpacking and repacking and Cloroxing and shuttling Baby A. off to very generous and helpful family members who stepped up while I was doing the solo parenting thing there for a few days. We also managed to put our fall garden in, but I have not yet had the time to figure out what is eating all of our little carrot seedlings. (RIP, little carrot seedlings.)

But on the last night of the season, we found a free hour before bedtime and used it to say goodbye to summer in Hampton Roads the same way we began it: with a visit to Ocean View Beach Park.

The beach was dark and quiet and there was nothing summery about it, which seemed perfect. The sand was cool and the water was warm and way out in the distance, the lights on the Bay Bridge stretched to the horizon. Baby Anne thought it looked pretty cool. ("Oh, wooooow!")

This has been an especially great summer for our family.  We moved back to the area. We settled into our house, our first house, that felt like home as soon as we stepped through the door. We reconnected with old friends. We made some amazing new ones. We went to some of our favorite places and ate really good food and saw and did interesting things, and in the meantime, Baby Anne grew two whole inches and learned to say about 20 words (mouth! mine! yum!).

TL;DR: we had a lot of fun. And we are grateful.

Goodbye, summer. Thanks for the memories.

1 comment:

  1. I love the bay beaches. So much more relaxed than the oceanfront.


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