Eat the Streets 757

Monday, September 3, 2012

Up in DC, one of my favorite things to do on a sunny afternoon was cruise around and grab lunch or dinner from one of the many food trucks scattered all over the city. J. and I had been following the food truck zoning controversy in Hampton Roads for months before we moved down and wishing that it would get figured out so that we could revisit that pasttime in our new hometown. When we read about the Eat the Streets event on Labor Day afternoon, we knew that we would have to go out and show our support.

Eat the Streets was held in the WHRO parking lot on Hampton Blvd, right by the ODU campus, and featured some of the area's premier street food vendors (as well as games, music, and crafts). Earlier in the day we scoped the FB page and read about the great turnout, but because we showed up later in the afternoon, we missed most of the long lines. (We also missed some of the dishes we would have liked to try, but that's our fault for making alternate lunch plans earlier in the day, now, isn't it?)

We didn't miss out on cupcakes at the Twisted Sisters truck, though. Hooray! We ordered PB&J cupcakes (I KNOW!) and found a bench (I wish we'd thought to bring some beach chairs like a few smart diners did). Then we proceeded to swoon over the cakes and their thick, peanut buttery buttercream icing. They say everything tastes better when eaten outside, but I have a feeling these cupcakes would have been equally awesome no matter where they were eaten. (And I think Baby A. would agree with that statement quite heartily, as evidenced in the following series of photos).

I was a little sad to find out that Eat the Streets isn't a regular event (like it's DC counterpart Truckeroo). Hopefully, as a result of the good turnout, the vendors will consider doing this again soon! And in the meantime, we can always stalk our faves around town (Food Truck Pro Tip: Or look up their location on Twitter. Ta da!)

 Nom nom. Viva les food trucks!

1 comment:

  1. Someone googled my blog looking for "eat the streets" and I decided to google and see what blogs turned up...and found you! So glad.


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